
RHE/PHSE Curriculum

Relationships, Sex and Health education and Citizenship
The purpose of our Relationships, Sex and Health  and Citizenship education programme is to help children grow into independent, healthy, thoughtful and caring citizens. The programme is taught in dedicated weekly lessons, but is also often linked to other curriculum areas such as Science and PE, and of course is adapted to the age and maturity of the child. We have adopted the Relationships, Sex and Health education programme of study from the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Education board. Our citizenship programme creates opportunities for children across the school to work together. We have an elected School Council. We regularly take part in local festivals that inspire and motivate our pupils. The school is very proud of the fact that we were awarded the 'Healthy School Award', 'Anti-bullying award' and the 'No Smoking award'. We have an annual 'Healthy School' week, where there is a focus on staying fit and healthy and looking after our bodies. As part of our work in citizenship we plan work across many areas of the curriculum linking it closely to our RSE and Citizenship work. We encourage the children to develop confidence, responsibility and to make the most of their abilities. 
Academic Year 2024-2025 - We are working on Cycle A