

Absence from School

It is important that children attend school regularly and punctually. If your child is absent from school please inform a member of staff by telephone or on returning to school a note of explanation. Unauthorised absences must be reported by school. Holidays during term time are strongly discouraged as they can be very disruptive to children‘s programmes of study. Permission to take pupils out of school during term time must be obtained from the Headteacher. Parents are asked particularly to avoid taking holidays during May because SATS and end of year tests are done during this month.
All schools in the Hexham Partnership subscribe to the same Absence policy. Parents are reminded that there is no entitlement for them to take children out of school on holiday, and absences will not be authorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances.

Arrangements in Case of Accidents or Illness

In the event of a child becoming ill, or having an accident at School, the Headteacher will need to contact the parents quickly. You are asked therefore to give the school a telephone number (or address) of an EMERGENCY CONTACT, in case you cannot be reached at home. If no-one can be contacted staff will act "in loco parentis").
If a child has any long term health problems, the school needs written details of these, and any action likely to be required.
Coughs and sneezes , sickness and diarrhoea… it is important that children do not return to school too soon after illness to help prevent the spread of infection to others. We recommend you keep children off for at least 48 hours after sickness, diarrhoea, flu etc.